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Writer's pictureNicolas Villeger

Day 6 : Detaille Island

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

Detaille Island is a very important historical site. It is where the British Base-W is located.

Built in 1956, it had to be suddenly evacuated due to unstable ice plate in 1959. 60 years later so many artifacts are still in place and it is a protected area and one the famous story of Antarctica exploration.

Actually, we were supposed to land at Jenny Island but because of the fog during the night we re-routed a little bit north to Detaille Island. Which is lucky in a sense because visiting this island is a very rare opportunity and actually we are the first ship this year to reach there. Also in the morning we finally crossed the Antarctic Circle, 66 degrees South, so one more reason to celebrate tonight. Congratulations to the Ponant crew for leading such a professional navigation ! This makes expedition cruise so much inspiring but also incredibly difficult to manage as the navigation program is ever-changing.

The helicopter was used for the first time, for the expedition leader to recognize the best route for the ship and the landing place for the Zodiacs. We get to test our cold weather outfit today but the weather remains amazingly great and if no wind, it is quite bearable (for the moment). As we head back to the ship, is always impressive the see the size of some of those icebergs compared to our small zodiacs.

Detailed Island is a regulated site by the Antartic treaty and no more than 50 visitors can be on the island at a given time. Also, the ice situation this far south is sometimes difficult, so landings at Detaille Island are not always possible. We are blessed, we could see it under such perfect conditions and due to how well preserved Base W is, the site is a veritable time capsule of 50s life on an Antarctic research station.

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TRés beau. Merci de nous faire participer à ce merveilleux voyage dans un autre monde!

Nicolas Villeger
Nicolas Villeger

Merci !



This is amazing. The conditions look ideal!

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